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Welcome to the common homepage of the sheep breeders association of Lower Saxony.

As  a consulting organization you can contact us in questions of breeding, keeping and feeding of sheep. We also organize and manage (sales events such as) auctions.

We are exporting sheep (East Friesian Milksheep, Suffolk, Blackheaded Meatsheep, Texel) to different countries within and outside Europe. 

Five auctions are scheduled to take place in Lower Saxony in the summer months. One site of auction is in Cloppenburg. It is recognized as an European collecting point. Breeding stock (East Friesian Milksheep, Texel and Berrichon du Cher) can be directly loaded and transported to other Eurorpean countries. The next public sale called "Sheep days North-West" will be on Thursday, the 4 August to Friday 5 August 2022 in Cloppenburg. We are looking forward to see you. For further informationen please contact the office.

Every other year sheep of selected breeds are presented at the "EUROTIER" fair in Hanover. The next fair fair will be from the 12.-15. November 2023. The fair stands will be organized by the sheep breeders associations from Lower Saxony and Bavaria.  There will be different breeding sheep races as: Merino Landsheep, East Friesian Milksheep, Texelsheep, Suffolk, Blackheaded Meatsheep, Merino Meatsheep, Coburger Foxsheep and the Dorper.

All races are of high interest for exporting. For more information you are invited to visit us on our fair stands. We talk English and Russian. We are proud to present the diversity of races and the high quality of the German sheep breeding.


We are looking forward to your email or to your phone call:

Name Sprache E-Mail phone:

Michael Gertenbach (German, English) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +49 (0)441-801617

Klaus Gerdes (German, English) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +49 (0)441-801611

Mathias Brockob (German, English) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +49 (0)511-36654485

Oleg Faber (German, Russian) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +49 (0)511-36654495


Here you will find summary information on breeds in Germany. For the East Friesian Milk Sheep, the Texel and the Blackheaded Meatsheep you will find detailed information. For the other breeds we´ll be happy to forward additional information on request:

Merino breed in Germany
klein Merinofleischschaf klein Merinolandschaf klein Merinolangwollschaf

Merino meatsheep

Merino landsheep

Merino longwoolsheep

Meat sheep breed in Germany

klein Berrichonne_du_Cher

klein Blaukoepfiges_Fleischschaf

klein Charollaisschaf

Berrichonne du Cher

Blueheaded meatsheep


klein Hampshire klein Ile_de_France klein Leineschaf


Ile de France


klein schwarzkoepfiges_Fleischschaf

klein Suffolk

klein Texelschaf

Blackheaded meatsheep



klein Weisskoepfiges_Fleischschaf

klein Zwartbles


Whiteheaded meatsheep



Diary sheep breed in Germany

klein Ostfriesisches_Milchschaf


East Friesian milksheep



Landscape breed in Germany

klein Bentheimer_Landschaf

klein Charmoise

klein Coburger_Fuchsschaf

Bentheimer landsheep

Charmoise Hill

Coburger Foxsheep

klein Gotlaendisches_Pelzschaf klein Gotlaendisches_Wildschaf klein Graue_Gehoernte_Heidschnucke

Gotländisches Pelzschaf = Gotlandsheep

Gotländisches wildsheep

Grey Horned Heidschnucke

klein Jakobschaf

klein Kerry-Hill

klein Ouessant-schafe




klein Rauhwolliges_Pommersches_Landschaf

klein Rhoenschaf

klein Romanow

Rauhwolliges Pommersches landsheep



klein Scottisch-Blackface

klein Shropshireschaf

klein Skudden

Scottish Blackface



klein Soayschafe klein Walachenschaf klein Waldschaf




klein Weisse_Gehoernte_Heidschnucke klein Weisse_Hornlose_Heidschnucke klein Zackelschaf

White Horned Heidschnucke

White hornless Heidschnucke = Moorschnucke


klein Cikta-Schafe


Zaupelsheep = Cikta-Schafe


Mountain sheep breed in Germany

klein Alpines_Steinschaf

klein Braunes_Bergschaf

klein Brillenschaf

Alpine Stonesheep

Brown mountain sheep


klein geschecktes_Bergschaf klein Krainer_Steinschafe klein Juraschaf_Schwarzbraunes_Bergschaf

Geschecktes mountain sheep

Krainer stonesheep

black-brown mauntainsheep = Juraschaf oder Elbschaf

klein Tiroler_Steinschaf

klein Walliser_Schwarznasenschaf

klein Weisses_Bergschaf

Tiroler stonesheep

Walliser blacknosesheep

White mountainsheep

Hairsheep breed in Germany

klein Dorper

klein Kamerunschaf

klein Nolana_Fleischschafe


Kamerun sheep


klein nolana-landschaf klein Wiltshire-Horn  




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